Social Media Platforms

Internet Blocked in Benin on Election Day

Benin News Update |

Internet access has been cut off in Benin as of 11:00 AM UTC, Sunday 28 April 2019, as the country was due to vote in parliamentary elections. Earlier in the day, providers in Benin blocked access to social media networks and communication apps for several hours, according to network data from the NetBlocks internet observatory. Facebook, Twitter,…

La société civile s’inquiète des perturbations persistantes de Internet au Tchad

News update |

La société civile s’inquiète des perturbations persistantes de Internet au Tchad

République du Tchad,
Gouvernement de la République du Tchad,

Nous, Organisations signataires, sommes profondément préoccupées par les multiples perturbations des services Internet au Tchad.

En effet, le 25 janvier 2018, les autorités tchadiennes ont arrêté Internet avant les manifestations prévues par des groupes de la société civile et des syndicats du…

Sudan has Blocked Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to Counter Anti-govt protests

By Abdi Latit Dahir |

Sudan’s government is looking to the internet as one way to quell swelling protests all over the country.

For over a week now, protesters in major cities have demonstrated against rising bread prices besides soaring inflation and shortages in fuel. To remedy the dire economic and political situation, marchers have called on president Omar al-Bashir, who has…

How Undermining Encryption threatens Online User Security in Africa

By Arthur Gwagwa |

For activists, human rights defenders, journalists/bloggers, whistleblowers, sexual minorities, among others, digital tools that use encryption to enable anonymity over unsecured online networks such as the internet to facilitate not only free flow of information but also, and above all, protect personal security. At the fundamental level, anonymity is enabled by tools that use encryption techniques which…

Nigeria and the Obsession to Regulate Social Media

Nigeria News Update |

On June 26, 2018, the Chairman of the Nigerian Senate Committee on ICT and Cybercrime, Abdul Fatai Buhari, announced that the Nigerian government has laid before the Senate a Bill set to regulate social media “because many Nigerians are misusing it.”

Making the announcement during a speech at a Cybersecurity Conference in Abuja, he said that if social media is…