
The Erosion of Digital Rights in the Fight Against Covid-19 in Kenya

By Victor Kapiyo |

Kenya confirmed its first coronavirus (Covid-19) case on March 12, 2020, and as of August 26, 2020, the country had recorded at least 559 deaths, 32,803 confirmed cases, and 19,055 recoveries, with 429,513 persons tested.

Even before the first case was confirmed in Kenya in February 2020, the government had moved to establish the National Emergency Response Committee on Covid-19…

Kenyan Inventor Builds Electronic Wheelchairs Powered by Laptop Batteries

By Malanie Nagi  and Alexandra Mae Jones |
Lincoln Wamae doesn’t see trash when he comes across a discarded laptop in a junkyard. He sees opportunity.
The 30-year-old scavenges scrap metal and electronics to create custom electronic chairs — a hobby that has turned into a way to help Kenyans with physical disabilities regain their independence.

Wamae, who lives in Nairobi, taught himself the…

Facebook takes action against fake news in Kenya

With the recent spate of fake news reports circulating on social media in Kenya, Facebook has today rolled out an educational tool to help people spot fake news on the platform.
When people click on the tool at the top of their News Feed, they will see more information and resource in the Facebook Help Center, including tips such as checking the web…

Cyber Crimes may Cost Kenya ‘Sh20bn’ in 2017

By Abel Muhatia|

Kenya may lose more than Sh 20.2 billion to cyber crimes this year if proper protection on internet infrastructure is not put in place, a top official at Internet Society, a firm that promotes development and use of internet, warned yesterday.

Speaking to the Star on the sidelines of African Internet Summit held in Nairobi, the society’s senior development…

Safeguarding Civil Society: Assessing Internet Freedom and the Digital Resilience of Civil Society in East Africa

By Small Media |

Over the past decade, East Africa has seen a tremendous boom in connectivity and online participation that is beginning to transform the way that citizens across the region communicate, express themselves, and establish communities. In a similar manner, the growth of internet access in the region is beginning to empower civil society organisations (CSOs) to engage with…

Lobby Calls For Internet Freedom, Urges Responsible Use Of Social Media

By Lillian Mutavi |

A civil society that promotes effective and inclusive ICT policy in Africa has called for internet freedom in Kenya and responsible use of social media.

The Collaboration on International Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) has also condemned national and county governments for harassing bloggers, social activists and even journalists who use social media platforms to highlight issues…

African govts ‘Unlawfully’ Blocking Cyber Space

By Jean-Pierre Afadhali|

Shutting down the Internet, blocking websites and expunging online content are among the tactics governments in Africa are using to stifle citizens’ voices, even as online platforms increasingly become the go-to places to denounce bad governance.
Shutting down the Internet, blocking websites and expunging online content are among the tactics governments in Africa are using to stifle citizens’ voices,…

Strengthening Africa’s Conversation and Actions on Internet Freedom

By Juliet Nanfuka |

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) with the support of Facebook, the Ford Foundation, Google, Hivos, Open Technology Fund (OTF) and Small Media will assemble an audience in Kampala, Uganda for the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2016. Set to take place on September 27–29, the Forum has become a…

Computer and Cyber Crimes Bill 2016: Government Calls for Public Participation

By MyGov|
ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru (centre) flanked by Principal Secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications Sammy Itemere (left) and Eng Victor Kyalo of ICT and Innovation, addresses consultation meeting with Media Editors recently, where he took them through Computer and Cybercrime 2016 Bill at his Telposta Towers office.
The Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) has invited Kenyans to make contributions…

New Year, Old Habits: Threats to Freedom of Expression Online in Kenya

By Juliet Nanfuka,

The beginning of 2016 has been marked with a series of arrests and summonses of individuals in Kenya as a result of content shared through social media platforms. Contrary to the constitutional right to freedom of expression, the incidents that relate to up to 10 individuals illustrate the Kenya Government’s continued use of vague legal provisions to stifle…