East Africa

Tanzania: 38 NGOs Call on States To Express Concern Over The Human Rights Situation

Press Release |

Today, DefendDefenders and 37 Tanzanian, African and international human rights organisations publish a letter calling on states to use the next session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) to raise concern over Tanzania’s situation in order to prevent a further deterioration.

Since a group of 30 NGOs first wrote a letter on Tanzania, in August 2018, the space for human rights defenders…

Is Tanzania Becoming an Internet Freedom Predator?

By Juliet Nanfuka |

Tanzania appears to be steadily sliding into a predator of critical social media users, as state authorities continue to arrest and prosecute users for expressing what many see as legitimate opinions. In recent months, the country’s newly elected government has used  a controversial new law  to prosecute at least seven social media users, in spite of  constitutional…

Tanzania’s Cybercrime Act Makes It Dangerous to “Insult” the President on Facebook

By Ndesanjo Macha,

Tanzanian netizen Isaac Habakuk Emily, who hails from the Arusha region in the north of the African nation, appeared in court on April 15, 2016 on charges of “insulting” the country’s president, John Magufuli. Emily’s statements are allegedly contrary to Section 16 of Tanzania’s Cybercrime Act No. 14 of 2015, which says:

Any person who publishes information, data or…