
CIPESA Joins The Global Network Initiative

Announcement |

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) is the newest member of the civil society constituency of the Global Network Initiative.

CIPESA works to inform policymakers and other stakeholders across the African continent about the connection between rights-based ICT policies and good governance and improved livelihoods. GNI will benefit from CIPESA’s policy and legal expertise…

Creating Catalysts for Collaboration in Strategic Digital Rights Litigation

By Nani Jansen Reventlow |
As the next millions of people move online, we will see more examples of legal frameworks that are not conducive to a free and open internet. This will restrict the free flow of information and the proper functioning of democracy. The soon-to-be published “Catalysts for Collaboration” seek to encourage internet activists to collaborate across disciplinary silos…